Change or Cancel Breast Screening Appointment Request - Beds & Herts

You can change or cancel your appointment via this website ONLY if

  • You have received an NHS breast screening appointment or invitation letter from the Beds & Herts Breast Screening Service.

  • You have the number from the top of your letter beginning ELD______

    In all other cases, including if your preferred site is not yet available online, or if you have any questions please contact the screening office on 01582 497599.
    We are making extra appointments available on a regular basis but if there are no available appointments shown below then you can still email us on Email: providing details of your NHS Number, the reference on top of your letter and your contact details.
    Please note, following your breast screening mammogram if you are invited to attend an assessment appointment, this is available at the Beds & Herts Breast Centre, Luton only.

    *** Please DO NOT make multiple booking requests***

Your Preferences

Preferred screening site(s) *
Please select at least one site

If you cannot find any suitable appointments or have any other questions please contact the office on 01582 497599.

Your Details
Please enter your full name

Your screening reference number is on the top left hand side of your invitation letter. (It begins 'ELD').

*** Please enter the 6 digits from the reference number ONLY.

Please enter your mobile telephone number. Please note that we will not disclose this telephone number or any other personal details to third parties.


If you would like to receive an email confirmation please enter your email address here